The International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology (ICNOG) was founded in January 2006 (formerly known as 2001). Our main objective is to spread the word of neuromuscular dentistry applied to orthodontics and gnathology. We hope you want to join us in the effort of making orthodontics a more natural, functional rather than a mechanical discipline. Let us show you how the respect of the individual characteristics blend perfectly with neuromuscular treatment objectives. Apply today!
Dr. Fabio Savastano, MD, M.Orth.
Albenga- Italy
Vice president
Dr. Paolo Scappaticci, MD , DDS
Imperia- Italy
Educational secretary
Dr. Piero Silvestrini, MD, DDS, PhD
Genova- Italy
Clinical Committee:
Dr. Rajesh Raveendranathan
Malappuram – Kerala,